Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : June 7th 2010
Case: #5621 ZON2010-01250
Case Type: Public Hearings
MYMS, Inc.
2908 Springhill Avenue
(Northeast corner of Springhill Avenue and Union Avenue).
Maneuvering Variance to allow the construction of a one way access way composed of two 18-inch wide asphalt strips with a 4-foot wide grass strip in between them with a total access way of 7 feet; the Zoning Ordinance requires a continuous width of 12- feet of asphalt, concrete or an approved alternative parking surface for a one-way access way in a B-3, Community Business District.
Case: #5620 ZON2010-01240
Case Type: Public Hearings
Signal Ship Repair, LLC
601 South Royal Street
(Northeast corner of South Royal Street and Elmira Street).
Tree planting and Landscape variance to allow no tree plantings or landscaping; the Zoning Ordinance requires 11,786 square foot total site landscaping (with 7,022 square foot of that being in the front yard), and 26 overstory frontage trees for a 98, 218 square foot lot with 816.82 linear feet of right-of way frontage in an I-2, Heavy Industry District.
Case: #5619 ZON2010-01189
Case Type: Public Hearings
Florida Certified Sign Erectors
41 West I-65 Service Road North
(Southwest corner of West I-65 Service Road North and College Lane South).
Sign Variance to allow a total of four wall signs for a single tenant in a multi-tenant commercial site in a B-2, Buffer Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows one wall sign per tenant in a multi-tenant commercial site in a B-2, Buffer Business District.
Case: #5615 ZON2010-00964
Case Type: Holdovers
O?Charley?s Restaurant (Trisha Wise, Agent)
Southeast corner of Schillinger Road South and Old Government Street Road.
Sign Variance to allow a 68?-6? high freestanding sign at a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum height of 35? for a freestanding sign for a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District.
Case: #5614 ZON2010-00961
Case Type: Holdovers
John Lunstrum
3808 Dauphin Island Parkway
West side of Dauphin Island Parkway, 600?+ South of Boykin Boulevard.
Use, Access/Maneuvering, and Parking Surface Variances to allow a tattoo parlor in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District, with less than 24? of access/maneuvering area, and gravel parking surface; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum B-3, Community Business District for a tattoo parlor, with 24? of access/maneuvering area and parking surface of asphalt, concrete, or an approved alternative paving surface.
Case: #5612/3972 ZON2010-00953
Case Type: Holdovers
Joseph Payne
2655 Airport Boulevard
(Southeast corner of Grant Street and Airport Boulevard).
Use and Parking Ratio Variances to allow a 2,864 square-foot professional office building in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District with 8 parking spaces; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum B-1, Buffer Business District for professional offices, and 10 parking spaces for a 2,864 square-foot office building.
Case: #5572 ZON2009-02583
Case Type: Extensions
Jeff Quinnelly
East side of North McGregor Avenue, 170?± South of Springhill Avenue.
Vehicular Access Variance to allow the construction of a 16? wide drive in a Traditional Center District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum access width of 24? for developments invoking the Traditional Center District overlay.
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
Click on the meeting date to submit comments on active cases, view staff reports or letters of decision. Comments may be submitted on upcoming agenda items up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.
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