Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : March 6th 2023
Case: Agenda #11 #6504/6471/6399/6281/6280 Case #BOA-002401-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
White-Spunner Realty (Mitch Peters, Agent)
65 Sidney Phillips Drive (Southwest corner of Werkland Street and Sidney Phillips Drive). Use Variance to amend a previously approved Use Variance to allow a baseball club in an I-1, Light Industry District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow a baseball club in an I-1, Light Industry District. Council District 1
Case: Agenda #10 #6503 Case #BOA-002400-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Bethel Engineering (Vince LaCoste, Agent)
9 Garden Trace (North side of Garden Trace (private street), 480’± East of Tuthill Lane). Front Yard and Rear Yard Setback Variances to allow retaining walls over three feet (3’) high within the 25-foot front minimum building setback line and the 15-foot rear yard setback line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow walls over three feet (3’) high within the 25-foot front minimum building setback line or within a 15-foot rear yard setback line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 7
Case: Agenda #09 #6502/6373 Case #BOA-002399-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Bethel Engineering (Vince LaCoste, Agent)
4101 Ridgelawn Drive and 1 Ridgelawn Drive East (West side of Ridgelawn Drive East, extending from Old Shell Road to Ridgelawn Drive). Front Yard Setback Variance to allow an eight-foot (8’) high masonry wall along the front property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a 25-foot front yard setback for walls taller than three feet (3’) in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 7
Case: Agenda #08 #6500 Case #BOA-002388-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Christopher and Johanna Bolling
171 Fenwick Road (Northeast corner of Fenwick Road and Conway Drive South). Side Yard Setback Variance to allow a garage/boat shed less than eight feet (8’) from a side yard property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires at least an eight-foot (8’) side yard setback for structures in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 5
Case: Agenda #07 #6499 Case #BOA-002378-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Brent W. & Kelly M. Greenwald
28 Edgefield Road (Northwest corner of Edgefield Road and Dauphin Street). Side Street Side Yard Setback Variance to allow a wall taller than three feet (3’) along a side street side yard property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance limits walls to no more than three feet (3’) in height along a side street side yard property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 7
Case: Agenda #06 #6498 Case #BOA-002366-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Branded Image Group (Robin Smith, Agent)
5550 U.S. Highway 90 West (Southwest corner of U.S. Highway 90 West and Sermon Road North). Sign Variance to allow five (5) wall signs at a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows two wall signs at a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District. Council District 4
Case: Agenda #05 #6497/2320 Case #BOA-002360-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Big Tuna Express Carwash (David Lane Beaird, Agent)
2820 Spring Hill Avenue (North side of Spring Hill Avenue, extending from Burton Avenue to Hosfelt Lane). Tree Planting Variance to allow less than the required number of tree plantings on a commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires full compliance with the required number of tree plantings on a commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District. Council District 1
Case: Agenda #04 #6496 Case #BOA-002359-2023
Case Type: Public Hearings
Branded Image Group (Robin Smith, Agent)
5809 U.S. Highway 90 West (Northeast corner of U.S. Highway 90 West and Hamilton Boulevard). Sign Variance to allow two (2) freestanding signs, six (6) wall signs and two (2) directional signs with logos at a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows one (1) freestanding sign and two (2) wall signs, and does not allow directional signs with logos at a single-tenant commercial site in a B-3, Community Business District. Council District 4
Case: Agenda #03 #6494/4763 Case #BOA-002347-2023
Case Type: Holdovers
Michael Cartoski
401 Civic Center Drive (Northwest corner of Canal Street and South Claiborne Street). Variances from certain Site and Building Design and Material requirements of the Downtown Development District to allow construction of a new building; specifically variances from Building Setback, Primary Entrance Location, Driveway Width, Dumpster Enclosure Materials, Building Exterior Materials, Streetscreen Height, Streetscreen Access Width, Wall Material, Fence Screening, Ground Floor Transparency, Loading Dock Width and Window Shading requirements, in a T-5.2 Mixed-Use Sub-District of the Downtown Development District. The Zoning Ordinance requires full compliance with all of the Site and Building Design and Material requirements in a T-5.2 Mixed-Use Sub-District of the Downtown Development District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #02 #6489/6258/4827/4826/4549/2439 Case #BOA-002275-2022
Case Type: Holdovers
Stephen M. Griffith (Gerald Byrd, Agent)
1260 Government Street (North side of Government Street, 80’± East of South Ann Street). Use Variance to allow truck leasing in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow truck leasing in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #01 #6481 Case #BOA-002243-2022
Case Type: Holdovers
Robert K. Moore and Jacqueline L. Moore
4660 Airport Boulevard (North side of Airport Boulevard, 200’± West of South University Boulevard). Parking Ratio Variance to allow reduced parking for a lounge in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires full compliance with the parking requirements for a lounge in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District. Council District 6
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
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Board of Zoning Adjustment - Rules
Board of Zoning Adjustment Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Sign Variance Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Extension of Approval Request Form
Board of Zoning Adjustment 2023-2024 Meeting and Deadline Schedule
Board of Zoning Adjustment 2024-2025 Meeting and Deadline Schedule (adopted June 3, 2024)
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