Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : March 5th 2012
Case: #5737 ZON2012-00403
Case Type: Public Hearings
Ian Thorneycroft
21 Hillwood Road
(East side of Hillwood Road, 600?± South of Old Shell Road).
Side Yard Setback Variance to allow necessary mechanical equipment within 4? of a side property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance allows necessary mechanical equipment to project not more than 2? into any yard R-1, Single-Family Residential District, in this case no closer than 6? to the side property line.
Case: #5736 ZON2012-00401)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Robert V. Kelly
7212 L and N Circle
(North side of L and N Circle, 500?± West of Smith Street).
Use Variance to allow a mobile home as second dwelling unit in a R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum zoning of R-2, Two-Family Residential District with Planning Commission Approval to allow two dwelling units (with one being a mobile home) in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District.
Case: #5735 ZON2012-00392
Case Type: Public Hearings
American Family Care
900 Montlimar Drive
(West side of Montlimar Drive, 615?± South of Airport Boulevard).
Sign Variance to allow wall sign for a single business that exceeds 30% of the usable wall area in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance limits the size of wall signs to no more than 30% of the usable wall area in a B-3, Community Business District.
Case: #5734 ZON2012-00384
Case Type: Public Hearings
American Family Care
535 Schillinger Road
(Southeast corner of Schillinger Road and Thomas Road).
Sign Variance to allow three additional wall signs per tenant on a group business site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows one wall sign per tenant and one freestanding sign for the development on a group business site in a B-3, Community Business District
Case: #5733 ZON2012-00004
Case Type: Holdovers
American Family Care
5235 Rangeline Service Road South
(South side of Rangeline Road South, 160?± East of Halls Mill Road).
Sign Variance to allow three additional wall signs for a tenant and two additional wall signs for a corner tenant in a group business site in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance allows one wall sign per tenant or one wall sign per street frontage for a corner tenant and one freestanding sign for the development on a group business site in a in a B-3, Community Business District.
Case: #5725 ZON2011-02806
Case Type: Holdovers
Zion Baptist Church
2514 Halls Mill Road
(Northwest corner of Halls Mill Road and Pollard Lane).
Surfacing, Access and Maneuvering, and Parking Ratio Variance to allow a church with a grass parking area, no designated parking spaces, and a 10-foot wide asphalt drive in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires designated parking spaces equal to one space per four seats surfaced with asphalt or concrete, with two-way drive aisles a minimum width of 24 feet for a church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
Click on the meeting date to submit comments on active cases, view staff reports or letters of decision. Comments may be submitted on upcoming agenda items up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.
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