Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : February 7th 2022
Case: Agenda #05 #6443/6026/5917 Case #BOA-001939-2022
Case Type: Public Hearings
Agenda #05 #6443/6026/5917 Case #BOA-001939-2022
56 St. Joseph Street (Northeast corner of St. Joseph Street and St. Francis Street). Sign Variance to allow increased size for a corner projecting sign and internally illuminated signage in a T-6 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District, and within a Historic District; the Zoning Ordinance limits the size of corner projecting signs and does not allow internally illuminated signage in a T-6 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District, and within a Historic District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #04 #6442/6026/5917 Case #BOA-001938-2022
Case Type: Public Hearings
Agenda #04 #6442/6026/5917 Case #BOA-001938-2022
106 St. Francis Street (Northwest corner of St. Francis Street and North Royal Street). Sign Variance to allow increased size for upper building signs, increased number of upper building signs for a building less than 10 stories tall, and internally illuminated signage in a T-6 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District, and within a Historic District; the Zoning Ordinance limits the size of upper building signs and the number of building signs, and does not allow internally illuminated signage in a T-6 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District, and within a Historic District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #03 #6441 Case #BOA-001916-2021
Case Type: Public Hearings
Agenda #03 #6441 Case #BOA-001916-2021
870 Carleton Avenue (North side of Carleton Avenue at the North terminus of Wright Street). Use Variance to allow a maximum of ten (10) children in a home-based child day care business in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow more than six (6) children in a home-based child day care business in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 1
Case: Agenda #02 #6398 Case #BOA-001654-2021
Case Type: Extensions
Agenda #02 #6398 Case #BOA-001654-2021
2600 First Avenue (Northwest corner of First Avenue and Jessie Street). Use, Side Street Side Yard Setback, Dumpster Setback, Residential Buffer, Off-Street Loading, Parking Lot Screening and Tree Planting Variances to allow a grocery/convenience store with reduced side street side yard and dumpster setbacks, no on-site residential buffer, no off-street loading area, no parking lot screening, and no tree plantings in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow a grocery/convenience store in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and requires compliance with side street side yard setbacks, dumpster setbacks, residential buffers, off-street loading, parking lot screening and tree planting requirements for commercial uses. Council District 1
Case: Agenda #01 #6432/1319 Case #BOA-001861-2021
Case Type: Holdovers
Agenda #01 #6432/1319 Case #BOA-001861-2021
3650 Old Shell Road (North side of Old Shell Road, 97’± West of Bishops Lane North, extending to the West side of Bishops Lane North, 206’± North of Old Shell Road). Multiple Buildings on a Single Building Site, Front Yard Setback, Parking Ratio, Frontage Landscaping, and Frontage and Perimeter Tree Planting Variances to allow multiple buildings on a single building site, with one building encroaching into the required front yard setback, a reduced number of parking spaces, reduced frontage landscaping, reduced frontage tree plantings and no perimeter tree plantings in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow more than one building per building site, requires a compliant front yard setback, a compliant number of parking spaces for uses, compliant frontage landscaping area, and compliant frontage and perimeter tree plantings in a B-3, Community Business District. Council District 7
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Sign Variance Application (revised March 1, 2023)
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Board of Zoning Adjustment 2024-2025 Meeting and Deadline Schedule (adopted June 3, 2024)
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