Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : June 6th 2005
Case: #5316(Case #ZON2005-01274
Case Type: Public Hearings
Knollwood Assembly of God Church
1501 Knollwood Drive(East side of Knollwood Drive, 500?+ South of Grelot Road)Sign Variance to allow a 4? x 8? illuminated, double-sided sign to replace a 4? x 8? non-illuminated, double-sided sign in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance only allows replacement of a nonconforming sign if the sign replaces an existing sign that is the same size or smaller, and of the same nature and character.
Case: #5310 (Case #ZON2005-01146)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Centre for the Living Arts (Owner, City of Mobile)
250 Conti Street(Northwest corner of Joachim Street and Conti Street)Sign Variance to allow a 150 square foot (75 square foot per side), illuminated, double sided, Marquee projecting sign extending 7-feet beyond the building wall; the Zoning Ordinance limits projecting signs within historic districts to a maximum 40 square feet, and no sign may project more than 5-feet from the building wall.
Case: #5309 (Case #ZON2005-01069)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Annie L. Formwalt
6055 Cooper Drive(West side of Cooper Drive at the terminus of Cooper Drive)Use, Parking Ratio, Parking Surface, Access/Maneuvering Area and Tree Planting Variances to allow a psychology clinic with five on-site gravel parking spaces, an eight-foot wide, two-way, driveway, and one frontage tree; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of B-1, Buffer-Business district for a psychology office, seven parking spaces, that all parking and maneuvering areas be improved with asphalt, concrete or an approved alternative paving surface, a 24-foot wide driveway located completely on-site, and a total of four frontage trees.
Case: #5308/5289 (Case #ZON2005-01067)
Case Type: Public Hearings
M. Don Williams, III (Emma Perryman, Owner)
770 Sullivan Avenue(West side of Sullivan Avenue at the West terminus of Fairway Drive)Parking Surface and Access/Maneuvering Variances to re-open an existing variance to allow a grass surface parking lot, and 12-foot wide, two-way driveway; the Zoning Ordinance requires all parking to be asphalt, concrete or an approved alternative paving surface, and a 24? wide drive is required for two way access.
Case: #5307 (Case #ZON2005-00982)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Pete J. Vallas, A.I.A. (Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. White, Owners)
159 Hillwood Road(Southwest corner of Old Shell Road and Hillwood Road)Fence Height Variance to allow the construction of an 8? masonry wall setback a minimum of four feet from the Old Shell Road (side street) and Hillwood Road (front) property lines; a 20-foot side yard setback is required along a side street (Old Shell Road), and a 25-foot front yard setback is required along Hillwood Road.
Case: #5305 (Case #ZON2005-00857)
Case Type: Holdovers
Cellular South Real Estate, Inc. (Mobile Christian School, Owner)
5900 Cottage Hill Road(North side of Cottage Hill Road, 160?+ East of Woodhillcrest Drive)Use, Height, and Setback Variances to allow the construction of a 125? Flag Pole Telecommunication Tower in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District, towers are prohibited in R-1 Districts; to allow the tower to be 125? in height, the maximum height allowed in a R-1 District is 35?; and to allow the construction of said tower to within 20? from a lease parcel line, a minimum setback of 125? is required.
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Board of Zoning Adjustment 2024-2025 Meeting and Deadline Schedule (adopted June 3, 2024)
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