Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : February 5th 2018
Case: Agenda # 07. Variance #6158/4972/1651 (BOA-000378-2018)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Revelation Baptist Church
1711 Taylor Lane
(South side of Taylor Lane at the South terminus of Rotterdam Court.)
Residential Buffer and Dumpster Enclosure Variances to allow a dumpster less than 10? from a residentially zoned property with no enclosure at a church in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires dumpsters to be located a minimum of 10? from residentially zoned property, and must be enclosed on three sides with either a privacy fence or wall at least as tall as the dumpster at a church in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 3
Case: Agenda # 06. Variance #6157 (BOA-000377-2018)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation (Frank Lott, Agent)
358 St. Louis Street
(Area bounded by St. Louis Street, North Franklin Street, St. Anthony Street, Gliddon Place and North Claiborne Street.)
Frontage, Sign, Building Materials, and Parking Variances to allow a 1,097 square foot pedestrian forecourt, an individual storefront sign 10? in height, metal siding and roofing as well as vertical polycarbonate skylights, and parking spaces without wheel stops in a T5.1 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District; the Zoning Ordinance prohibits pedestrian forecourts exceeding 600 square feet, limits individual storefront signs to 2? in height, does not allow metal siding, roofing or vertical polycarbonate skylights, and requires all parking spaces to have wheel stops in a T5.1 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District.
Council District 2
Case: Agenda # 05. Variance #6156 (BOA-000375-2018)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Daniel Buckley
3535 Spring Hill Avenue
(South side of Spring Hill Avenue, extending to the West terminus of Irene Street.)
Side Street Side Yard Variance to allow a 12? reduced side street side yard setback in an R-1, Single Family District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a 20? side street side yard setback in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 04. Variance #6155 (BOA-000369-2017)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Branch Towers III, LLC
Southwest corner of South Sage Avenue and Eslava Creek Parkway.
Height, Setback, Landscape, and Access and Maneuvering Variances to allow a 140? tall telecommunications tower 26.25? from the property line with a gravel access road and no tree planting in a B-1, Buffer Business District; the Zoning Ordinance limits the structures to a 45? height, requires telecommunications towers to be setback a distance equal to the height of the tower, requires compliance with all tree and landscaping requirements, and requires all access and maneuvering areas to be paved with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt, or approved alternative surfaces in a B-1, Buffer Business District.
Council District 5
Case: Agenda # 03. Variance #6154/1795 (BOA-000366-2017)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Coburn Construction Co Inc.
4686 Airport Boulevard
(Northeast corner of General Bullard Avenue and Airport Boulevard.)
Sign Variance to allow a digital gas pricer sign within less than 300? of residentially zoned property in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a 300? buffer between residentially zoned properties and digital gas pricer signs in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District.
Council District 6
Case: Agenda # 02. Variance #6153 (BOA-000365-2017)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Interplan LLC c/o Chick-fil-A Inc.
3244 Dauphin Street
(North side of Dauphin Street, 170? + East of Northgate Drive.)
Parking Variance to allow 30 parking spaces for a 4,210 square foot restaurant in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 42 parking spaces for a 4,210 square foot restaurant in a B-3, Community Business District.
Council District 1
Case: Agenda # 01. Variance #6152 (BOA-000363-2017)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Rouse Properties, Inc.
3255 Airport Boulevard
(Southeast corner of Airport Boulevard and East I-65 Service Road South.)
Tree Planting Variance to allow the planting of frontage trees elsewhere on the property in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires all frontage trees to be planted along the corresponding right-of-way in a B-3, Community Business District.
Council District 5
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Board of Zoning Adjustment Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Sign Variance Application (revised March 1, 2023)
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Board of Zoning Adjustment 2023-2024 Meeting and Deadline Schedule
Board of Zoning Adjustment 2024-2025 Meeting and Deadline Schedule (adopted June 3, 2024)
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