Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : May 6th 2019
Case: Agenda # 11. #6257. #BOA-000893-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Smith, Clark, & Associates, LLC
3950 Old Shell Road
(Northwest corner of Old Shell Road and Provident Lane).
Setback Variance to allow the construction of a garage with reduced side and rear yard setbacks in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 8’ minimum side and rear yard setbacks for structures over 3’ tall in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 10. #6256. #BOA-000892-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Robert L. Fleming, III
4955 Carmel Drive
(South side of Carmel Drive North, 85’ East of Springpark Drive East).
Setback Variance to allow the construction of a carport with reduced side yard setbacks in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 8’ minimum side and rear yard setbacks for structures over 3’ tall in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 09. #6255/4459/4458/4453/523. #BOA-000891-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Weinacker Shopping Center (Wrico Signs Inc., Agent)
1550 Government Street
(Northwest corner of South Catherine Street and Government Street extending to the East side of Macy Place).
Sign Variance to allow a total of 4 signs (3 wall and 1 freestanding) totaling 199.99 square feet at a single business site along Government Street in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance limits single business sites to a total of 3 signs not to exceed 64 square feet total along Government Street in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District.
Council District 2
Case: Agenda # 08. #6254. #BOA-000889-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Richard S. Meador Jr. & Kimberly B. Meador
51 Ridgelawn Drive West
(West side of Ridgelawn Drive West, at the West terminus of Ridgelawn Drive).
Use Variance to allow a second kitchen inside a pool house in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance limits dwellings to a single kitchen in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 07. #6253. #BOA-000886-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Anne S. Weaver
4 Benedict Place
(West side of Benedict Place, 63’ South of Dauphin Street).
Setback Variance to allow a garage/storage building within 8’ of the side and rear property lines in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 8’ minimum side and rear yard setbacks for structures over 3’ tall in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 1
Case: Agenda # 06. #6252. #BOA-000885-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Katherine Zarzour
3456 Stein Avenue
(Northeast corner of Dogwood Lane and Stein Avenue).
Setback Variance to allow an existing 6’ high privacy fence to remain on a side street side yard property line in an R-1, Single Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires all structures over 3’ to be located outside of recorded setbacks in an R-1, Single Family Residential District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 05. #6251. #BOA-000874-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
U-Haul Company of South Alabama (Madison Wilson, Agent)
6715 Old Shell Road
(South side of Old Shell Road, extending to the North side of Dickens Ferry Road, 619’± East of Foreman Road).
Use Variance to allow truck leasing in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of a B-3, Community Business District, for truck leasing.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 04. #6250. #BOA-000883-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
Eco-Site II, LLC
431 Azalea Road
(East side of Azalea Road, 340’± South of Bourgeois Drive).
Height, Setback, Residential Buffer, and Landscape Variances to allow a 150’ monopole with a 10’ lightning rod, 27.25’± setback from the lease parcel line, approximately 105’± from R-1, Single Family Residential Districts, and no tree planting or landscape area requirements in a B-1, Buffer Business District; the Zoning Ordinance limits structures in a B-1, Buffer Business District to 45’ tall, requires monopoles to be setback a distance equal to the height of the tower from the lease parcel line, requires a 225’ buffer from R-1, Single Family Residential Districts, and full compliance with tree planting and landscape area requirements.
Council District 5
Case: Agenda # 03. #6249. #BOA-000872-2019.
Case Type: Public Hearings
6630 Rangeline Road
(Northwest corner of Rangeline Road and Hamilton Boulevard).
Use Variance to allow a liquor store in an I-1, Light Industrial District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow liquor stores in an I-1, Light Industrial District.
Council District 4
Case: Agenda # 02. #6245. #BOA-000867-2019.
Case Type: Holdovers
Wrico Signs Inc. for Legacy Village (Richard Inge)
3700 Dauphin Street
(Northwest corner of Dauphin Street and Du Rhu Drive).
Off-Premise Sign Variance to allow an off-premise pylon tenant panel for various retail tenants in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires all signage to be on-premise for all retail establishments in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District.
Council District 7
Case: Agenda # 01. #6243/5603. #BOA-000841-2019.
Case Type: Holdovers
Church Street Apartments, LLC
1400 Church Street
(Northwest corner of Church Street and Everett Street)
Use, Parking Ratio, Access/Maneuvering and Front Landscaping Variances to allow an apartment building in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District, with a reduced number of parking spaces, substandard access width and a reduced front landscaping ratio; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow an apartment building in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and a compliant number of parking spaces is required, with compliant access and maneuvering space, and compliant front landscaping area must be provided.
Council District 2
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
Click on the meeting date to submit comments on active cases, view staff reports or letters of decision. Comments may be submitted on upcoming agenda items up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.
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