Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : July 11th 2016
Case: 6049 (Case #ZON2016-01290)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Colonial Trailways, Inc.
2521 Halls Mill Road
(Southeast corner of Halls Mill Road and Navco Road).
Setback Variance to allow a dumpster to be located within the front 25? setback in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires that all structures be located outside of the front 25? setback in a B-3, Community Business District.
Council District 3
Case: 6048/3669/59 (Case #ZON2016-01288)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Azalea City Montessori
1260 Dauphin Street
Northeast corner of Dauphin Street and South Ann Street).
Parking Variance to allow 104 parking spaces for an existing church with 700 seats and a proposed school with two teaching stations in a B-1, Buffer Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 178 parking spaces for a church with 700 seats and a school with two teaching stations in a B-1, Buffer Business District.
Council District 2
Case: 6047/3944 (Case #ZON2016-01278)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Ben Cummings - Cummings Architecture
1151 Dauphin Street(Southwest corner of Dauphin Street and Oakland Terrace).
Site Variance to allow off-site gravel parking for a doctor?s office in a B-1, Buffer Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires all parking be provided on-site and to be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or an approved alternative surface in a B-1, Buffer Business District.
Council District 2
Case: 6046/5840/5113/4902/4883 (Case #ZON2016-01277)
Case Type: Public Hearings
Steve Stone, Authorized Agent
1714 Dauphin Street
(Northeast corner of Dauphin Street and Semmes Avenue).
Use, Parking Ratio, and Access and Maneuvering Variances to amend conditions placed on a previously approved variance to allow a 2,500 square foot restaurant within a 6,000 square foot, three-tenant building, shared access and parking with a 1,800 square foot commercial building, with 22 parking spaces, substandard parking stalls and aisle widths in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires 37 compliant parking spaces for a 6,000 square-foot commercial building with a proposed 2,500 square foot restaurant, 6 compliant parking spaces for an 1800 square-foot commercial building and 24? maneuvering aisles with a minimum of a B-2, Neighborhood Business District.
Council District 2
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
Click on the meeting date to submit comments on active cases, view staff reports or letters of decision. Comments may be submitted on upcoming agenda items up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.
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