Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : January 10th 2022
Case: Agenda #07 #6440 Case #BOA-001903-2021
Case Type: Public Hearings
L & A Investments, LLC (Levy Seals, Agent)
345, 347, 349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 359, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369 and 371 West Highland Avenue (East side of West Highland Avenue, 332’± South of Conception Street Road). Use, Multiple Dwellings and Surface Variances to allow multi-family residential use, with multiple dwellings on a single site and grass parking surfaces in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance allows only single-family residential use, with only one dwelling per site, and requires paving with asphalt, concrete, or an approved alternative paving surface for multi-family residential use in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #06 #6439/4819/4342/2484 Case #BOA-001900-2021
Case Type: Public Hearings
Byrd Surveying, Inc. (Gerald Byrd, Agent)
1451 Cedar Crescent Drive (East side of Cedar Crescent Drive, 250’± South of South Drive). Protection Buffer Variance to remove a condition of approval of a previously approved variance in an R-3, Multi-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance requires a protection buffer in an R-3, Multi-Family Residential District.
Council District 3
Case: Agenda #05 #6438 Case #BOA-001897-2021
Case Type: Public Hearings
Keith Parker
2217 Hoppin Street (East side of Hoppin Street, 703’± North of Rosedale Road). Use Variance to allow a duplex (two-family dwelling) in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow more than one dwelling unit in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 3
Case: Agenda #04 #6437 Case #BOA-001893-2021
Case Type: Public Hearings
Lilian Bush
404 South Bayou Street (West side of South Bayou Street, 112’± South of Savannah Street). Site Coverage Variance to allow increased site coverage in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District; the Zoning Ordinance limits site coverage to 35% in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #03 #6433 Case #BOA-001862-2021
Case Type: Holdovers
Barton & Shumer Engineering, LLC (David Shumer, Agent)
1101 Dauphin Street (Southwest corner of Dauphin Street and South Hallett Street). Side Street Side Yard Setback, Off-Street Loading, Parking Ratio and Maneuvering Area, Queuing Space, and Parking Space Dimension Variances to allow a structure to encroach into the required side street side yard setback, no designated on-site loading area with on-street loading, a reduced number of parking spaces, reduced vehicle maneuvering area, reduced queuing spaces between the order station and service window, and sub-standard parking space dimensions in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District; the Zoning Ordinance requires structures to be located out of required side street side yard setbacks, a compliant on-site loading area, a compliant number of parking spaces, compliant vehicle maneuvering area, compliant queuing spaces, and compliant parking space dimensions in a B-2, Neighborhood Business District. Council District 2
Case: Agenda #02 #6432/1319 Case #BOA-001861-2021
Case Type: Holdovers
Jeffery E. Quinnelly
3650 Old Shell Road (North side of Old Shell Road, 97’± West of Bishops Lane North, extending to the West side of Bishops Lane North, 206’± North of Old Shell Road). Multiple Buildings on a Single Building Site, Front Yard Setback, Parking Ratio, Frontage Landscaping, and Frontage and Perimeter Tree Planting Variances to allow multiple buildings on a single building site, with one building encroaching into the required front yard setback, a reduced number of parking spaces, reduced frontage landscaping, reduced frontage tree plantings and no perimeter tree plantings in a B-3, Community Business District; the Zoning Ordinance does not allow more than one building per building site, requires a compliant front yard setback, a compliant number of parking spaces for uses, compliant frontage landscaping area, and compliant frontage and perimeter tree plantings in a B-3, Community Business District. Council District 7
Case: Agenda #01 #6431/3924 Case #BOA-001857-2021
Case Type: Holdovers
Frankie Smith
960 South Lawrence Street (Northwest corner of South Lawrence Street and South Carolina Street). Front Yard and Side Street Side Yard Setback Variances to allow a building addition within the required front and side street side yard setbacks in an I-1, Light Industry District; the Zoning Ordinance requires full compliance with the front yard and side street side yard setback requirements in an I-1, Light Industry District. Council District 3
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
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Board of Zoning Adjustment Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Sign Variance Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Extension of Approval Request Form
Board of Zoning Adjustment 2023-2024 Meeting and Deadline Schedule
Board of Zoning Adjustment 2024-2025 Meeting and Deadline Schedule (adopted June 3, 2024)
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